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Living in the forest


A commission by Phaidon to write ‘Living in the Forest’, a collection of 50 contemporary houses across the globe, each built to exist harmoniously amid the trees.

Take a walk through luscious jungles, get lost among snowy evergreens, and look out from mossy banks across vast Nordic fjords in Living in the Forest, a dynamic survey of contemporary forest homes. Each architect-designed house, whether demonstrating innovative ecological design or shoring against the elements, explores a different facet of woodland living across a huge range of countries worldwide.

Connecting us to nature through their affinity with trees, every home in this powerfully demonstrates the importance of green living, Residences range from a playful treehouse built at a spectacular height to an ingenious sustainable hideaway that leaves no footprint and an urban dwelling boasting an biodiverse jungle ecosystem of its own making. Featured architects include Helen & Hard, HW Studio, Olson Kundig, Studio MK27, and Studio Saxe alongside emerging studios specialising in environmental design.


‘[A] stunning collection of photography and stories from homes tucked into canopies around the world. Wanderlust, activated.’ - MindBodyGreen

‘Showcases many homes that were designed to live with the environment rather than change it.’ - Publishers Weekly

‘Emphasize[s] the importance of connection with, and protection of, the natural world.’ - Houzz

‘Looking at the gorgeous photographs, we can almost smell the tang of an ancient pine forest.’ - Forbes